![Self-Catering Holidays UK, Self-Catering Accommodation I Cool Places](https://assets.coolplaces.co.uk/images/a56497b1100504363774736e7089fb45b79f4e52/large/self-catering-holidays-uk,-self-catering-accommodation-i-cool-places//self-catering-holidays-accommodation-in-the-uk.jpg)
Self-Catering Holidays & Accommodation in the UK
Self-catering holidays are without doubt the UK's most popular form of break . For families, groups of friends, get-togethers and reunions, there's so much choice it's often hard to know where to start. There are tens of thousands of self-catering accommodation options across the country, and they take in everything from country cottages to swish city apartments , log cabins and woodland cabins to baronial castles and shepherds huts. Our guide to self-catering holidays includes a little bit of everything, but you can be sure that all the options we recommend are of the highest quality and will be situated in some of the UK's most desirable locations. Whether it's in the centre of a large city or university town, deep in the countryside or in a prime location in one of the country's 15 national parks, or perched by the coast or facing the beach, there is sure to be something here to suit you. Happy browsing!Best Places to Stay in Self-Catering Holidays UK, Self-Catering Accommodation I Cool Places