Secret Cinema
Bethnal Green & Various East London Locations EC1
You don't know the film, you don't know where it's being shown, and you don't know what to expect. . . until the very last moment. Then suddenly, you'll be on a wild goose chase to a top secret London location, where you'll be obliged to take part in what could possibly be the funnest movie night you've ever had. The concept is the brainchild of Future Cinema – a company who successfully specialise in creating living and breathing movie experiences, from old classics to modern blockbusters. They believe that somewhere down the line, we've all lost the magic and experience of the cinema. So if you are game for a new experience, or consider yourself a true film buff, this will definitely entertain you. Recent screenings have included the Shawshank Redemption – where (after receiving a court summons) you turn up to a derelict East London school, get told to strip down to the long johns you are asked to wear on arrival, and then subjected to life as a prisoner before finally sitting down to watch the film. Sometimes the actors randomly break into song. Sometimes people might get naked. But it's all part of the fun – and ladies might be excited to know there's a Dirty Dancing screening. But shh. . . it's a secret.